Happily ever after...

Happily ever after...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

This is my way in keeping you all updated on how my next step in life unfolds!


  1. Dearest Buttercup,

    Hope you post info soon..we shall enjoy hearing and seeing of you.

    Bear hugs,


  2. Jessie Dear!
    I want you to get post-crazy...so better start soon!!!!! (Or else!)
    I mean like...alllll the time...every chance you get!
    I miss you terribly my dear!

    Your sweets =)

  3. Wow!...You really "hit the ground runnin'." That's awesome. So glad that you're "just loving it." God truly gives his best to those who Let Him Choose! Above all, keep seeking His Will - nothing more, nothing less...Nothing Else!

  4. Angel Child, I am so joyful for you. May you raise up the Holy Way as you walk the path there.

    I miss you but I would not want you anywhere else except near to Jesus.

    Love you lots


  5. I can't seem to get my comment to post?

  6. Thank u all for being such a support and blessing!I have limited internet again, as always, So just wanted to say thanks and hello and Miss u!

  7. Jess, So glad you posted some pics, gives us all a glimpse of your what life is like for you now. WE are all so proud of you. I know you are learning a lot, even about yourself, The Lord has blessed you with a wonderful heart. So glad you are giving it away! He will renew your strength and give you peace. Love you my dear daughter.

  8. Ok I miss you. I want to be with you now. All in Gods timing yo. "Lord help me to be patient"...I so would enjoy talking to you face to face I have lots to say and stuff. But even if seing you now, or for a long time, or ever would happen or not, just remember, we are just passing though. there is more to life then to live our lives. we are sold out and going on runniing hard to get to be with Jesus. When I think of that it takes any feelings far far away way they can hardly be seen. And i am at peace and rest...
