Happily ever after...

Happily ever after...

Thursday, October 7, 2010


 I just wanted to send you all a lil "Hello" as I have just a tad bit internet right now. =)  I'm sitting here in the the back break room at this moment with my sweater, scarf, and hat on as a chilly draft is coming from the lil crack under the door. We just finished work and today was a pretty calm day considering how it can get crazy at times! Dry season is approaching so that means theres usually not as many flues (I think). I didn't realize that it can get chily out here I thought it was perfect weather all year around which means I wasn't prepared with winter gear but needless to say I just went to the store yesterday and got my self a scarf n hat.

Other than all that boring stuff I just wanted to thank all u again for being such a support and praying for me! I'm finally seeing progress on my spanish (Which I'm so thankful for!) Iv'e been praying that God would multiply my learning skills so that I can actually converse with the people and it's getting there, finally after being here 4 about 1 and a half months.

The latest ...My room mate and I recently had 2  unwelcomed visitors at our house. Upossums!!!! They smelled our pinapples and came to help themselves when we were unaware but then as Tash got up one night she caught them red handed! To correct the problem we decided to lock our back screen door and shut it with a rubberband and they haven't come back since. Yippy! But, now we found 2 baby scorpians in our house. I found one in my room the other night and Tash found one on her neck (crawling!) last night but she got it off just in time b4 it stung her. (Praise God!) And yes we know that 2 babie Scorpians are most likely followed by a mother so we've been praying for protection from creepy crawlies!

Well till next time ...... adios amigos! 

Ps. I hope to keep u all updated more often! Sorry, but internet isn't always available but I'll try my best. =)


  1. Glad your spanish is improving. That's not going to help you scare the scorpians away though. Better find some extermination advice. We're praying for you all. Love Dad

  2. Omg I can so see you in toyr new scarf now...LOL!..Just like the old days eh? If I was there, you could prolly just imagien, you would be cold and I would tell you to tough it out its better then spending...I really am loling at the picture in my head of you goin a store to bye a scarf and hat HAHA!!!

  3. Ok oops I dont mean to put"yoQuiero CostaRica" but I dont know how to do these things. I want to put my name there but w.e...you know I'm Haley, your lil sis, who loves you deeply, forever more, and ummm...and other things like that

  4. Ok I just cant help it I know only 1 more hr till the day of your life. But I just have to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" my flippen sweet sister, TO YOU! HALEY LOVES YOU THIS I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yea....thats me

  5. Ok as of my time its your BIRTHDAY NOW!!!!!!!!!!So HAPPY BIRTH DAY MY LOVED SISTER!!!!!!!!!!ME HALEY YOUR LIL SISTER LOVES YOU IN THE DEEP USE OF THE WORD!!!! You know like I love you more then brushing my teeth, more then any friend i have ever had, more then listening to you sing, enough to stair at your blog all day long to make you feel loved..LOL..I love you so much that I fill up with energy from bieng so excited when you call me, And enough to sit up in this sleeping quit house waitn till 12:00am to be the first one to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  6. AWWWWW! Haley u r something else!!!!!!! thanks yes u know me too well! I feel very loved when u check out my blog!!! lol Sorry i dont have too many cool comebacks to get back with u as your crazy brain can muster up! but I love u anyway!!!!! (((HUGGS))) ;):);)

  7. I love to see the interaction and such blessed loved between two sisters, it brings tears to my eyes. I love you both and Jessie, I love seeing the pictures of all that you are doing down there and the joy you are experiencing serving our Lord Jesus. We are so proud of you and are so looking forward to your visit back home and hearing firsthand all the tales you have to tell. Until then. Peace to you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ.
