Wow! My last post declared an "I can't believe it ...I'm married!" Well now I say "I can't believe it last blog post I've written was in January!" I will make this short for now for all you faithful post watchers that haven't given up on me yet. :) So, I sit here while I watch my sweet gift (truly from Heaven) graciously sleep. She is so beautiful and I thank God often for her and for my awesome husband!!! He and she was well worth the wait ...for all those single years and painful contractions! But, I wanted to let you all know I haven't forgotten about you and I hope to start blogging again. I've learned a lot this year. And God my father (as always) has been continually faithful to keep me, feed me, and hold my hand and lead me. Adjusting to marriage, keeping a home, and now adjusting to being a mama (and what all that entails) I have been busy and out of touch with my blog writing. But now that adjusting seems to come more naturally I think I can add another thing to my list and begin writing again. :) I love to anyway. It's getting late so I'll close this for now but I hope to be back soon and give you a real update from back when up to now. Love you all and we'll see you soon. Oh yes, and I'll start posting pictures again. :) back soon!
Hey Jessica!! I am glad you are going to attempt blogging again. It was good to hear from you and I will be waiting to hear more. And of course I can't wait for the photos as well. Blessings to you and your family!