Happily ever after...

Happily ever after...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm back!!!

Hey u all ...I'm back!!!  I really wanted to post picts today but I'm afraid I can't due to limited time. Were all plannin to head back to Erandique at around lunch time today. The weather is absalutely beautiful again!!! I hope to post picts next visit to the mission house which will probably be in a month or so. But that's ok, cuz then I'll have more picts to post! ...theres always a bright side to things, right! ;)   Just wanted you all to know that I had an awesome (GOD BLESSED) visit back at home and I miss u all tremendously already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    But, I'm also glad to be back and reunite with all my clinic family here, as well. God has been good and my provider in so many aspects of needs that I've had (and have) and I'm greatful to Him for it, He is such a loving Father to me!!!! Thank u to all who donated toward my needs I truely pray that He bless u abundantly for it ...that he would bless u with the realization of knowing how much He loves you and cares for your every need (Not tryin to be fancy or fake in words thats just my prayer.)!       And one more thing, as I was crying out to God the other day for grace then right as I picked up my head in the midst of prayer the words "Jehova Jireh" were written right on a cracked window in front of me on the bus and it made me burst out and say, "Amen!"  Because that has been the theme of my walk with Him thus far and my time out here as well!  Well, God bless u all till next time and not just with sips of water cuz He has an ocean He DESIRES to give you!!!!!!!!  ..never settle for less!      (((HUGGS))) ~Jessica

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