Happily ever after...

Happily ever after...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Here I lay on a thin foam mattress finally having the time to update my blog! I lay here awake with the beautiful chorus of mosquitos filling the air ..they're symphony has the sound of a distant "frieght train"! Tash and I are having a sleep over at our sweet "old lady" friend, Nina Albia's house! Were here cuz tomorrow it's her birthday! ..she's turning a big whoppin' 82! We have a surprise "mariachi" planned for the morning at 5am and we also have a birthday party for her tomorrow. ..it's gonna be so much fun to see her happy! She's so sweet and poor, yet she has Jesus! ..so, what else does she need??! The custom here is, on your birthday you supply your own b-day cake, food, and throw your own party. Nina Albia told us tonight that she prayed God would help supply her enough money this year so she can have a cake with all her guests on her bday so she saved up (all year) and God was faithful to answer that sweet 'lil' prayer! I have a thing or two to learn from sweet people like her! ..that is content and thankful even though she has sooo little. And she's also very generous even though she has to depend on God (every day) for her every meal and He's been faithful in that, as well! I think He likes it when were so dependent on Him and it pleases him to honor those prayers!

Well, I'll go for now, since the "mariachi" is planning to come in the am, but I hope to be a "lil" better with updating! Sorryy!

Miss u all! love u all!

Truely, Jessica


  1. First of all,give a Happy Bday to Nina from your Dad. Those are the great lessons of life you are gleaning from the wisdom of maturity in Christ. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God". What they have I guess we need! Love you sweety

  2. Well...Humph! I daresay, it's about time you posted girly!!! Loved reading this even though I already heard your beautiful voice serenade me with glorious details on this very evening....=) It is still such a joy to see your heart typed out...written...any way, shape or form! I love you Jessie-Dear!
