Happily ever after...

Happily ever after...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Shake well! ..seperation is natural

I was given a Revelation the other day I wanted to share. As I was in deep thought I peered over to my fruit smoothie ..then I saw it!! God has been showing me lately how much we all need each other. It is so natural for us to separate our selves from one another and think we got it all figured out. Natural for the seed of Adam, yes but Jesus' seed in the natural will bring only unity, peace, joy, love, long suffering, faith, kindness, etc! The enemy knows how unity brings healing so of course his tactics are to bring in the little foxes to spoil the vine, bring division, destruction, then conquer, but praise God! ..he says, "to catch the 'little' foxes that try to spoil the vine." Jesus conquered all things!!! He did it on the cross (even death)! A Mighty God (indeed) we serve!!!

Just as the different kinds of fruit with all it's nutrients and vitamins can bring nutrition to the one who consumes it so can all our gifts bring glory to God and healing to the one who embraces it! Our human bodies are designed to heal itself. While we mend and blend we can reap all the health benefits for our souls!
I will not say, "antioxidants, I don't need you!"

 He said, "This is how they will know you are Christians, by your love one for another."


  1. May we not separate ourselves, but be blended by our Father, who knows how to make us TOGETHER a sweet savor to Him!

    Glad to be "smooshed in" with you in this season, friend! :)
